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A treatment that uses a medical scalpel to gently exfoliate the outer layer of dead skin and remove fine facial hair commonly known as "peach fuzz". It can be used as an alternative to laser treatments and microdermabrasion or along with them for enhanced results.


This procedure will give your skin a more radiant appearance. Following the treatments, makeup application is smoother and other skincare products are able to penetrate deeper in turn making them more effective.

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I a good candidate?

The ideal candidate for dermplaning has aging, dry, rough or uneven skin tone. Dermaplaning can also help reduce the appearance of shallow acne scars, fine lines and superficial hyperpigmentation.

Is the treatment safe?

Dermaplaning is extremely safe when performed by a properly trained skincare professional. There is no more risk to the skin than when you shave your legs. There is also no downtime associated with this procedure.

Does it hurt?

Dermaplaning is effective by performing a gentle scraping motion across the skin's surface. Unlike waxing or threading, dermaplaning is entirely painless.

Will it make the hair on my face grow thicker and darker?

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How long is the treatment? 

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How often can I have it done?

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What is the difference between dermaplaning and dermabrasion?

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What is the benefit of adding a chemical peel with dermaplaning?

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I have additional questions?

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